
Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

October 7, 2023 | by Catherine Jones


Are you considering delving into the world of property investment but unsure if it’s the right path for you? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of property investment and property management companies, giving you a comprehensive overview of what to expect. Whether you’re a seasoned expert or new to the game, this article will provide valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to dive into the fascinating world of property investment and property management companies!

Benefits of Property Investment

Property investment offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive option for individuals looking to grow their wealth. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

Generate passive income

One of the most significant advantages of property investment is the ability to generate a steady stream of passive income. By renting out your property, you can enjoy regular rental payments that provide a consistent source of cash flow. This income can be used to cover the property’s expenses, such as mortgage payments, maintenance costs, and property taxes, while also leaving room for profit.

Tax advantages

Property investment also comes with various tax benefits. As a property owner, you may be eligible for deductions on mortgage interest, property taxes, insurance premiums, and other property-related expenses. These deductions can lower your taxable income and result in substantial savings during tax season. Additionally, if you hold the property for a longer period and sell it for a profit, you may qualify for favorable capital gains tax rates.

Appreciation of property value

Property values have a historical tendency to appreciate over time. While there can be fluctuations in the short term, the long-term trend generally points towards an increase in property prices. This appreciation can lead to significant gains for property investors, allowing them to build substantial wealth. By investing in the right area and holding onto the property for a reasonable duration, you may witness substantial appreciation in your investment.

Diversification of investment portfolio

Investing in property allows individuals to diversify their investment portfolio. By adding real estate to their asset mix, investors can reduce their exposure to more volatile investments like stocks and bonds. Property’s lower correlation to traditional asset classes makes it an excellent hedge against market fluctuations. Diversification not only helps mitigate risk but also improves the overall stability and performance of an investment portfolio.

Inflation hedge

Property investment serves as a strong hedge against inflation. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, but investing in property provides a tangible asset that typically appreciates in value as inflation occurs. As rents rise with inflation, property investors can adjust rental prices accordingly, ensuring their rental income keeps up with the increased cost of living. This inflation protection makes property investment an attractive option for long-term wealth preservation.

Control over investment

When you invest in property, you gain control over your investment. Unlike other investment options, such as stocks or mutual funds, where decisions are made by fund managers or market forces, property investment allows you to have a direct influence on the success of your investment. You can choose the property, determine the rental price, make improvements to enhance its value, and decide when to buy or sell. This level of control provides a sense of empowerment and allows you to tailor your investment strategy to your specific goals.

Drawbacks of Property Investment

While property investment has its advantages, it is important to consider the drawbacks as well. Here are some factors that may pose challenges to property investors:

High initial costs

investing in property typically requires a large upfront investment. Apart from the down payment, there are other costs to consider, including closing costs, property appraisal fees, and potential renovation or repair expenses. These initial costs can be a barrier for individuals with limited capital or those looking to enter the property market for the first time.

Ongoing expenses

Property ownership comes with ongoing expenses that can eat into your rental income. These expenses include property taxes, insurance premiums, maintenance and repair costs, property management fees (if applicable), and vacancies. It is essential to factor in these costs and ensure that your rental income is sufficient to cover them, as well as generate a profit.

Time and effort required

Property investment demands time and effort, especially if you choose to manage the property yourself. From screening tenants and collecting rent to handling maintenance requests and resolving tenant issues, managing a property can be a time-consuming endeavor. If you prefer a hands-off approach or have a limited availability for landlord responsibilities, you may need to consider hiring a property management company to handle these tasks on your behalf.

Market volatility

Like any investment, property values can experience fluctuations due to market conditions. Economic factors, changes in interest rates, local market trends, and other external forces can impact property prices. There may be periods of slow or negative growth in certain markets, limiting the potential for capital appreciation. It is essential to stay informed about market conditions and choose investment properties wisely to minimize the risk associated with market volatility.

Lack of diversification

While property investment diversifies your investment portfolio, it is important to note that it also lacks diversification within itself. Investing solely in property ties up significant capital in a single asset class, which can expose you to risks associated with the specific property or location. A downturn in the local real estate market or significant damage to the property can have a significant impact on your investment returns. It is advisable to diversify your property investments across different locations and property types to spread risk effectively.

Limited liquidity

Property investment is considered a long-term investment, and liquidity can be limited compared to other assets. Selling a property can take time, as it involves finding a suitable buyer, negotiating a price, and completing the necessary legal procedures. If you require quick access to your investment funds, property may not be the most suitable option. It is important to have a long-term investment horizon and be prepared to hold onto the property for an extended period to realize its full potential.

Advantages of Property Management Companies

While self-managing your investment property can be rewarding, hiring a property management company offers several advantages that can make your investment journey more seamless and efficient. Here are some benefits of enlisting the services of a property management company:

Professional expertise

Property management companies bring professional knowledge and experience to the table. They are well-versed in the local real estate market, rental laws and regulations, and industry best practices. Their expertise can help you make informed decisions, avoid legal pitfalls, and maximize your return on investment.


Managing a property can be time-consuming, especially for individuals with multiple properties or other commitments. By outsourcing property management tasks to a professional company, you can free up your time and focus on other aspects of your life or invest in additional properties. Property management companies handle tenant inquiries, maintenance requests, rent collection, and other time-consuming responsibilities, allowing you to enjoy a truly passive investment experience.

Tenant screening

Finding the right tenants is crucial for a successful property investment. Property management companies have efficient tenant screening processes in place, including background checks, credit checks, and reference verifications. Their expertise in identifying reliable and responsible tenants minimizes the risk of potential problems such as non-payment of rent, property damage, or eviction.

Rent collection and enforcement

Timely rent collection is vital for maintaining a steady cash flow from your investment property. Property management companies have systems in place to ensure rent is collected promptly and consistently. They handle lease agreements, enforce payment deadlines, and take appropriate action in case of late payments or arrears. This proactive approach saves you the hassle of chasing after tenants and reduces the likelihood of rental income disruptions.

Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

Property maintenance and repairs

Property management companies oversee the maintenance and repairs of your investment property. They have established relationships with reliable contractors and vendors who can promptly address any issues or emergencies. Regular property inspections and proactive maintenance practices help preserve the property’s value, ensure tenant satisfaction, and minimize potential costly repairs in the future.

Legal and regulatory compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of rental laws and regulations can be a daunting task for property owners. Property management companies have a deep understanding of these laws and ensure your property remains compliant. From drawing up legally-sound lease agreements to handling eviction processes in line with local regulations, they protect your interests and shield you from legal risks.

Disadvantages of Property Management Companies

While property management companies offer valuable services, there are some potential downsides to consider. Here are a few disadvantages to keep in mind:

Additional cost

Hiring a property management company entails an additional expense that needs to be factored into your overall investment plan. Property management fees typically range from 4% to 10% of the monthly rent collected. While the peace of mind and professional services provided may offset the cost, it is essential to evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the financial implications.

Loss of control

Outsourcing property management means relinquishing a certain level of control over your investment. Property management companies make decisions on your behalf, from selecting tenants to approving maintenance requests. While their expertise can be advantageous, it may not align with your specific preferences or priorities. If you prefer to have direct control over every aspect of your property, self-management may be a more suitable option.

Communication challenges

Effective communication is vital for a successful landlord-tenant relationship. Property management companies act as intermediaries between you and the tenants, and miscommunication or lack of timely communication can lead to misunderstandings or tenant dissatisfaction. It is crucial to choose a property management company that prioritizes clear and open communication to ensure a smooth working relationship.

Possible conflicts of interest

While property management companies aim to protect your interests, conflicts of interest can arise. For example, they may prioritize filling vacancies quickly rather than waiting for the ideal tenant or recommend expensive repairs or renovations to benefit their network of contractors. It is important to establish clear expectations and ensure that the property management company acts in your best interest at all times.

Limited knowledge of specific property

Property management companies may handle numerous properties, making it challenging to have in-depth knowledge about each property’s unique characteristics and requirements. This lack of familiarity can result in less personalized and tailored management practices. If your property has specific needs or requires specialized attention, self-management may be more suitable, as you will have a more intimate understanding of your property.

Benefits of Self-Management

While hiring a property management company has its advantages, self-management offers several benefits that may appeal to hands-on investors. Here are some advantages of self-managing your investment property:


By self-managing your property, you can eliminate the cost of property management fees. This can significantly increase your cash flow and enhance the overall profitability of your investment. If you have the time and willingness to handle the responsibilities associated with property management, self-management can be a cost-effective option.

Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

Direct control over decisions

Self-management gives you complete control over all decisions related to your investment property. Whether it’s setting the rental price, choosing tenants, or deciding on maintenance and repair projects, you have the final say. This level of control allows you to tailor your strategies and ensure that your property aligns with your goals and preferences.

Familiarity with property

As the owner and manager of the property, you have an intimate understanding of its unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. This familiarity can be advantageous when addressing tenant concerns, planning maintenance projects, or making improvements. Your hands-on involvement enables you to make informed decisions based on your personal knowledge and expertise.

Flexibility in decision-making

Self-management offers the flexibility to adapt quickly to changing market conditions or tenant needs. You can modify rental terms, adjust rental prices, or implement innovative marketing strategies to attract quality tenants. The ability to make decisions promptly and tailor your approach to meet evolving demands can give you a competitive edge in the rental market.

Better understanding of tenant needs

By directly interacting with your tenants, you gain a deeper understanding of their needs and preferences. This insight allows you to provide personalized and responsive service, enhancing tenant satisfaction and retention. Building strong relationships with your tenants can lead to longer lease periods, reduced vacancy rates, and a positive reputation within the rental market.

Challenges of Self-Management

While self-management can be rewarding, it is essential to consider the challenges associated with this approach. Here are some of the common hurdles you may face as a self-managing property investor:


Self-managing a property requires a significant investment of time and effort. You will need to handle tenant inquiries, market the property, collect rent, resolve maintenance issues, and ensure legal and regulatory compliance. If you have a busy schedule or other commitments, balancing these responsibilities can be challenging. It is important to assess your availability and determine whether you can dedicate sufficient time to effectively manage your property.

Requires knowledge and skills

Successful self-management requires a solid understanding of the rental market, landlord-tenant laws, property maintenance, bookkeeping, and other essential skills. It is crucial to educate yourself and stay up to date with industry best practices, local regulations, and changing market conditions. If you lack the necessary knowledge or skills, you may need to invest time in learning or consider hiring professionals for specific tasks.

Legal and regulatory compliance

As a property owner, you have legal obligations to fulfill, including complying with rental laws, maintaining rental standards, and protecting tenant rights. Failure to stay compliant can lead to legal disputes, fines, or reputation damage. Self-managing landlords need to stay informed about relevant regulations and ensure their practices align with the law.

Tenant management

Finding and managing tenants is a crucial aspect of property management. As a self-managing landlord, you will be responsible for marketing the property, screening potential tenants, conducting background checks, and executing lease agreements. Managing tenant relationships, addressing concerns, and handling disputes can also be time-consuming and challenging. Building good tenant communication and conflict resolution skills are essential for successful self-management.

Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

Property maintenance

Maintaining the property’s condition and addressing maintenance and repair issues is a significant responsibility for self-managing landlords. You will need to coordinate and oversee necessary repairs, ensure routine maintenance tasks are completed, and promptly address any issues reported by tenants. This requires good organizational skills, knowledge of maintenance best practices, and access to reliable vendors and contractors.

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Property Management Company

If you decide to hire a property management company, it is crucial to choose the right one that aligns with your investment goals and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a property management company:

Reputation and experience

Look for a property management company with a solid reputation and a proven track record. Research their credentials, read reviews or testimonials from clients, and consider their years of experience in the industry. An established and reputable property management company is more likely to provide reliable and professional services.

Services offered

Property management companies offer a range of services, and it is essential to assess whether their offerings align with your specific needs. Evaluate the services they provide, such as tenant screening, rent collection, property maintenance, and financial reporting. Understanding their service offerings will help determine whether they can handle the tasks necessary for effectively managing your investment property.

Communication and responsiveness

Effective communication is the key to a successful landlord-property management company relationship. Evaluate the company’s communication practices, including their responsiveness to inquiries or concerns. Clear and timely communication is crucial for staying informed about your property’s performance and resolving any issues that may arise.

Fees and charges

Consider the fees and charges associated with hiring a property management company. Different companies have varying fee structures, and it is important to understand their pricing model. Evaluate the cost of their services in relation to the value they provide. While it may be tempting to choose the company with the lowest fees, it is crucial to strike a balance between cost and the quality of services offered.

Understanding of the local market

Choose a property management company that has a solid understanding of the local rental market. They should be familiar with rental trends, tenant preferences, and market dynamics. A company well-versed in the local market can help you set appropriate rental prices, tailor marketing strategies, and attract quality tenants.

Client references

Request client references or seek recommendations from other property owners who have worked with the property management company. Hearing about firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights into their level of professionalism, reliability, and overall satisfaction. Client references can help you make an informed decision and ensure you choose a reputable and trustworthy property management company.

Tips for Effective Property Management

Whether you choose to self-manage or hire a property management company, adopting effective property management practices is key to success. Here are some tips to enhance your property management approach:

Set clear goals and expectations

Define your investment goals and establish clear expectations for your property. This includes determining the rental price, desired tenant profile, and maintenance standards. Clear goals and expectations serve as a guide for decision-making and help ensure a smooth operation.

Property Investment And Property Management Companies: Pros And Cons

Screen tenants thoroughly

Take the time to screen potential tenants rigorously. Conduct background checks, verify employment and income, and contact previous landlords for references. Thorough screening helps minimize the risk of problematic tenants and increases the chances of finding responsible and reliable individuals.

Maintain regular communication

Establish open lines of communication with your tenants. Regularly check in with them to address any concerns, collect feedback, or provide updates. Building a positive landlord-tenant relationship through effective communication fosters tenant satisfaction and can lead to longer lease agreements.

Respond promptly to tenant issues

Address tenant issues promptly and efficiently. Whether it’s a maintenance request, repair concern, or general inquiry, respond in a timely manner. Prompt and responsive communication shows your dedication to tenant satisfaction and helps build trust between you and your tenants.

Regular property inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your property to ensure it remains in good condition and to identify any potential issues early on. Regular inspections can help prevent costly damages and ensure that tenants are adhering to their lease agreements. Document any observations or necessary repairs during inspections.

Proactive maintenance

Adopt a proactive approach to property maintenance. Regularly schedule routine maintenance tasks such as HVAC servicing, pest control, and landscaping. Addressing small maintenance issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems, ultimately saving you time and money.

When to Hire a Property Management Company

While self-management can be rewarding, there may come a point where hiring a property management company becomes a more viable option. Consider the following circumstances when deciding whether to enlist professional help:

Lack of time or expertise

If you have limited availability due to other commitments or lack the necessary knowledge and skills for effective property management, a property management company can alleviate these challenges. Outsourcing the tasks to professionals allows you to enjoy the benefits of property investment without the corresponding time constraints or steep learning curve.

Multiple property investments

Managing multiple properties can be overwhelming for individual landlords. If you have expanded your investment portfolio and find it challenging to handle the responsibilities associated with multiple properties, a property management company can help streamline and centralize your property management efforts.

Geographical distance from properties

Investing in properties that are located far from your primary residence can present logistical challenges. If you are unable to be physically present to handle tenant concerns or address maintenance issues promptly, a property management company with a local presence can provide invaluable support and peace of mind.

Desire for a hands-off approach

Some property owners prefer a more hands-off approach, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their lives or pursue additional investment opportunities. If you desire a truly passive investment experience or prefer to be less involved in day-to-day property management tasks, hiring a property management company can be an ideal solution.

Limited availability for landlord responsibilities

If you have limited availability or prefer not to be burdened with the responsibilities associated with being a landlord, a property management company can assume those responsibilities on your behalf. They can handle tenant inquiries, maintenance requests, rent collection, and other tasks, allowing you to have more freedom and flexibility.

Signs of a Good Property Management Company

Choosing the right property management company is crucial for a successful and stress-free property investment experience. Here are some signs of a good property management company to look out for:

Effective tenant communication

A good property management company prioritizes clear and open communication with tenants. They promptly respond to inquiries and concerns, maintain professional relationships, and ensure that tenants are well-informed about policies, procedures, and rental issues. Effective tenant communication fosters a positive tenant experience and reduces potential conflicts.

Timely rent collection

Reliable rent collection is indicative of a well-managed property. A good property management company has efficient systems in place to ensure timely rent collection and enforce payment deadlines. They handle the entire rent collection process, including issuing late payment notices and taking appropriate actions in case of non-compliance.

Transparent financial reporting

A reputable property management company provides transparent financial reporting to property owners. They should provide regular financial statements, detailing income and expenses related to the property. Clear and transparent reporting helps property owners track their investment’s performance and make informed decisions.

Proactive property maintenance

Effective property management includes proactive maintenance practices. A good property management company conducts regular inspections, identifies maintenance needs, and promptly arranges necessary repairs. By taking a proactive approach to maintenance, they help preserve the property’s condition, minimize potential issues, and enhance tenant satisfaction.

Low vacancy rates

A successful property management company strives to minimize vacancy periods for their clients’ properties. They implement effective marketing and advertising strategies, screen potential tenants rigorously, and ensure that tenants have a positive experience during their lease period. Low vacancy rates indicate a strong tenant retention strategy and efficient property management practices.

Positive client testimonials

Client testimonials and references provide valuable insights into the quality of service provided by a property management company. Positive testimonials from property owners who have had a successful working relationship with the company serve as an endorsement of their professionalism, reliability, and overall satisfaction. Consider feedback from other clients when assessing the reputation and credibility of a property management company.

In conclusion, property investment offers numerous benefits, including passive income generation, tax advantages, property value appreciation, diversification of investment portfolio, protection against inflation, and control over investment decisions. However, it is essential to consider the drawbacks, such as high initial costs, ongoing expenses, time and effort required, market volatility, lack of diversification, and limited liquidity. Property management companies can provide professional expertise, save time, handle tenant screening and rent collection, maintain the property, and ensure legal compliance. However, disadvantages of hiring property management companies include additional costs, loss of control, communication challenges, possible conflicts of interest, and limited knowledge of specific properties. Self-management offers cost-saving benefits, direct control over decisions, familiarity with the property, flexibility in decision-making, and a better understanding of tenant needs. Challenges of self-management include time-consuming responsibilities, knowledge and skills requirement, legal and regulatory compliance, tenant management, and property maintenance. When choosing a property management company, it is important to consider their reputation, offered services, communication and responsiveness, fees and charges, understanding of the local market, and client references. Tips for effective property management include setting clear goals and expectations, thorough tenant screening, regular communication, prompt response to tenant issues, regular property inspections, and proactive maintenance. There are several signs of a good property management company, including effective tenant communication, timely rent collection, transparent financial reporting, proactive property maintenance, low vacancy rates, and positive client testimonials. Ultimately, whether to hire a property management company or self-manage your property depends on factors such as time availability, expertise, investment portfolio size, geographical distance, desired level of involvement, and availability for landlord responsibilities.


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